Monday, February 4, 2013


Very excited this fine morning - We released our first design ‘OMO One’, an original design created specifically for this limited set of products, through the good folks at Red Bubble! To check them out, click on the image above or right HERE

I'm super picky about the quality of things. Whenever I get something and it doesn't meet my unrealistic standards, I go on a 45 minute, old man rant to my poor wife. It's unhealthy. BUT, it does mean I was on the look out, scouring the web, look through company about pages and endless customer reviews, checking for the best possible product we can put out there.

The world is polluted with a ton of stuff just made to get out there and turn around a buck. People are entitled to do that free from old man judgement ( I tell myself in the reflection in my spoon ) but I don't want to contribute to that with my own company. So this design was made just for these products and is not available on anything that takes print. That is, unless you want it ;)

So we're happy to go through Red Bubble. Great quality, organic options, Apple approved gear, and most importantly - happy customers. If you're looking for a new iPhone/iPod/iPad case, tshirt, etc - check it out!


PS: Introduced my wife to Star Trek: The Next Generation at last. I've fulfilled my geek duty to create an additional Trekker. My 2 year old is next.

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