Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Cinema Sorcery

Talking face to face with friends about movies I like just isn't cutting the mustard anymore, folks. I now will burden you, dear reader, with a little segment I like to call: Cinema Sorcery

Not the response Vader was hoping for...

Star Wars: Episode V -The Empire Strikes Back is the first movie I remember seeing and I watched it with my Dad. Now, I recently found out a good friend of mine's girlfriend hasn't seen this film (I don't want to name names - but it's Bev.) which is as shocking to me as it should be to you. So, for Bev's sake:

SPOILER ALERT. If you have miraculously made it this far in life and have yet to see this film, please, for the love of all that is good in this world, stop reading and go watch it now.

One of my all time favorite moments in film - Darth Vader announcing he is Luke's father. Amazing scene, both the climax of the film and the "Dark Night of the Soul" (as Blake Snyder would put it) for the original trilogy. When I first saw it, I reacted much the same way Luke did and even once the film finished, I refused to believe it was true. I had to see Ewoks before, it started to sink in...

Anyway, amazing moment and you all know what happens next. Nobody tell Bev.

You got a favourite moment?


  1. Cable out... Let 'er go!

    1. Somewhere out there Wes Janson has tears of joy rolling down his face.

  2. I will just read the book...

    1. Readings for readers, Be- anonymous commenter...
