Wednesday, June 27, 2012


At last I can tell you about something I've been working on for the past year: Sing Along Pictures.

I've been working in the animation industry for 6 years now, working hard to help tell other people's stories and have had, and continue to have, a blast doing it. But a big part of me has stories of my own to share as well. So I started my own production studio. I was incredibly lucky to know some amazingly great and talented people who felt the same way I do, and together we started working away, building the structure of what has become what I'm telling you about today.

I'm incredibly excited about it and the projects we're developing so stay tuned, we'll have lots to share in the near future.

IW: Carter Goodrich

Illustration from Carter's amazing book "Hermit the Crab"

Carter Goodrich can tell a story in a single drawing ALL THE TIME. It's no wonder his name can be found on some of the most amazing films in the past few years. Check out his work HERE

And you can go see his latest effort Pixar's BRAVE in theaters now.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Coming Soon!

I got a book coming out folks - prepare the reading section of your brain...

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

IW: World Order

Not enough words to say how amazing this group is to me. Beautiful music, amazing visuals, with a powerful message. Do yourself a solid and check out Genki Sudo's World Order. This post also coincides with their much anticipated 2nd album "World Order 2012" which you can grab HERE and HERE. Genki Sudo mentioned on Twitter that there might be an overseas release which I'll let you, my terrific readers, know when/if that happens.

World Order released two videos from their upcoming album (which you can watch below) but you can find out more info about it and their previous album over at



Super inspiring.

Thursday, June 14, 2012


As a huge Yoko Ono fan I could not be more happy to see this. Head over to to find out what it's about and how you can participate. Also, for all you iPhone users, the Smilesfilm App was just released and you can grab that HERE

To find out what else Yoko Ono's been up to (a LOT) head over to her site at

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Oh, the Teasing...

Artwork by the wonderful Maki Fujimoto

What's this? Secret illustrations solving the mysteries of life? Coded images revealing a path to sunken treasure?? Sing Along Picture's debut project??? Only time will tell, folks. Stay tuned...

IW: Do Ho Suh

 'seoul home / seoul home' from 'home within home', Do Ho Suh, 2012

I've posted about Do Ho Suh before, but his stuff is too incredible for single posts, folks. Wonderful stuff. More amazing images, including this one, over at Design Boom

Also - if you ever want to see a list of all of the Inspiration Wednesday posts, click on the IW banner on the right side of the page. Technology is a giver, folks.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Hobbit Production Videos make me so happy...

To get people's Hobbit juices flowing, Peter Jackson and his crew have been doing production videos on the making of The Hobbit. Lot's of great stuff and spoiler free. Not like that Tolkien book - that thing is loaded with spoilers...

Anyway, here's the latest installment and you can watch the rest if you click HERE

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

IW: House Na

There are a ton of amazing homes all over but it seems like if you live in Brazil, Spain, New Zealand, or Tokyo you can just throw a rock and hit one. But seriously don't throw rocks at nice houses. Especially this one for obvious reasons.

House Na by Sou Fujimoto Architects

Via Design Milk

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Cinema Sorcery

Talking face to face with friends about movies I like just isn't cutting the mustard anymore, folks. I now will burden you, dear reader, with a little segment I like to call: Cinema Sorcery

Not the response Vader was hoping for...

Star Wars: Episode V -The Empire Strikes Back is the first movie I remember seeing and I watched it with my Dad. Now, I recently found out a good friend of mine's girlfriend hasn't seen this film (I don't want to name names - but it's Bev.) which is as shocking to me as it should be to you. So, for Bev's sake:

SPOILER ALERT. If you have miraculously made it this far in life and have yet to see this film, please, for the love of all that is good in this world, stop reading and go watch it now.

One of my all time favorite moments in film - Darth Vader announcing he is Luke's father. Amazing scene, both the climax of the film and the "Dark Night of the Soul" (as Blake Snyder would put it) for the original trilogy. When I first saw it, I reacted much the same way Luke did and even once the film finished, I refused to believe it was true. I had to see Ewoks before, it started to sink in...

Anyway, amazing moment and you all know what happens next. Nobody tell Bev.

You got a favourite moment?